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Karnataka Admin Reforms. KARC2 & You

Transcript :

Most importantly thank you Mr Vijay Bhaskar and your team Mr Prasanna and Nagraj in the Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission 2 to set this up and to make this happen. I think all of us as citizens have been very very keen to at least try and you know interact, integrate try and make some kind of a difference in terms of the way the state is administered and this is a great opportunity. i would like to take this at you know at face value and then do what we can help. I i you know i they say we don't have, or some people don't need the introduction but we really i mean we really don't! We're so glad to have Mr TM Vijaya Bhaskar here - Mr Vijay Bhaskar is the former Chief secretary of Karnataka and he's been the Chairman of the Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission 2 (KARC2) from almost the time that he's has been a large number of different initiatives that he's already put in place - there are three sets of reports that have already gone out and .. so there is a very very i think a great progress that we can make with this kind of conversation, this kind of engagement, going forward. So Mr Vijay Bhaskar in his capacity or as this new capacity as Chairman of Administrative reforms here needs no introduction we have Mr Prasanna who is also an IAS senior officer who has been you know leading from the front at the KARC2 so he has had a lot of say and a lot of process in terms of what needs to be done and how we can integrate with citizens. Mr V Ravichandar - I almost don't know where to start because i think he he covers the gamut of everything one needs to be in a thinking involved citizen of today and he goes a few leagues beyond ! So Ravichandar currently is Honorary Director of the bangalore intl center or BIC which is something that we all love and value so much But his many roles as a civic evangelist, as a person who has you know it has been part of the BATF and also the previous administrative reforms is legendary so we will let ravi to you know, ravi to interact a little later. Naresh, there you are looking dour behind , with the temples in the in the background. thank you so much for smiling! naresh is an urban planner and when i think about excellence i mean he has been a person who has constantly re-imagined and re envisioned what what i think a city should look like and particularly incredibly intense insightful thoughts about what Bangalore should be so i'm very conscious that while we have all of us here and me moderating is in my own small capacity the idea of this commission is primarily uh to reach out to citizens and we at Heritage Beku in in consonance with the Bangalore Apartments Federation(BAF), BPAC, Janaagraha the Kautilya School of Public Policy and so many others who have come forward to you know to sort of listen in, to support and to be a part of this .. we are very keen to just provide a platform to ensure that we have the right things at least presented on this platform and hopefully integrated into the future of this state in terms of administrative reforms we don't know where to start so that is always one thing that citizens struggle with you feel incapacitated, you feel unempowered and then you don't do anything and that level of freeze really helps nobody so i would really like to acknowledge very very strongly the role of mr vijay bhaskar in reaching forward to us to say that we'd be happy to do this. the the suggestions link have been sent out and you can just remember it is at This is where you can put in your suggestions so since we don't have the chat and i'm really sorry about that we will do a follow-on i assure you but this is something where you can write in your suggestions and move ahead we already have many many suggestions that have come in from prominent citizens and they will be spoken about in terms of the flow of this event i just want to be able to thank everybody for taking the time to do this . It is for mr vijay bhaskar you know to set the context to say a few words about what does this really mean and honestly what does it really mean to us, what has been achieved so far uh you know and and and help us engage a little bit on this uh with mr prasanna of course bringing in his comments about what is the next steps as far as the citizen involvement is concerned i'd like them to hand it over to um to ravi and to naresh in terms of their inputs and their suggestions after that i hope we finish in about 30-33 minutes we hope to pass this baton back on to the participants here and to make sure that all of us have not questions but actual suggestions in terms of what needs to be done. so while we may be Heritage Beku, and we have a lot of questions about heritage also, i'm going to be the fair player and not keep heritage on the front burner on this one uh and give the stage to the rest of us so without further ado um mr vijay bhaskar first extremely grateful and very very great thanks for your initiating this and taking this forward you're listening here to the citizens which we really appreciate but if you could be kind enough and i will just share the screen in a minute if you could be kind enough to um you know to to set the context of what um the karc-2 i hope you don't mind me using the acronym it's just much easier that way, what is it hoping to do and what if anything can the citizens uh expect from you i know there's a huge amount of work that's gone in you have dealt with i am you've dealt with azim premji Univ, you've dealt with you know Janagraha, IIMB, egov all these organizations to get a better sense of the administration and to work with several surveys i know that but now what does it mean to US as citizens i hand it over to you which i with great thanks and great expectation thank you thank you priya and welcome to all the participants in this uh this vc uh interaction i'm grateful to reach heritage bekuand the supporting the organizations for organizing this extremely useful uh international interactive session karnataka administrator reforms commission was set up by the government uh last year in 2021 january and uh i'll just go through a small presentation which will uh five to six slides which will set the context for today's discussion

the objectives that we have for foregrounded make it easier faster for citizens to obtain government benefits and services to reduce unnecessary workload on government staff and improve their productivity to reduce wasteful expenditure and government offices and to plug leakages of revenue and improve government revenues these are the broader objectives we have kept in next

next the themes that underlie our recommendations are delegation of powers to lower levels use of technology simplification of procedures participation of stakeholders in inaugural in various institutions rationalization and redeployment of staff and institutions cutting wastage of time money and effort of citizens and staff and using better performance of assessment and appraisal systems providing realistic amounts of funds for office expenditure and

revising fees and penalties as per inflation index the methodology we have followed is we have spoken to a cross section of staff of all the 11 departments through 25 focus group discussions held over the last one year we have visited about 11 districts and had more than 40 meetings at district telugu municipalities in panchayats world award offices villages we have a tele called a sample of applications uh applicants for citizen services process audit of actual files analysis of websites to see how citizen friendly they are we had discussions with honorable chief minister the minister secretaries and our heads of department and also we have considered suggestions received from the public and eminent persons during our visits and other next

so so far we have submitted in the last one year and 13 months we have submitted three reports the first report was on three departments which had 860 recommendations the second and third report was on eight departments under 1165 recommendations the reports in pdf form in canada and english are available on the krc website which has been which is shown in the in the first first page next

so some since there are a large number of applications some of the minor some of them major i would just like to

introduce point out some key recommendations which would be of interest to those of you who are participating now birth and death registration something that all of us uh use it has to be simplified and you have suggested how databases can be integrated to make it easier

using uh for post offices in the state for delivery of citizen services of the state government here in the case of highway vendors we have suggested that the draft plate document may be

the draft big document may be published and objections invited to the procurement website for interesting

is a big issue we have suggested certain methods they can be converted by suitable provision by making suitable rules under the karnataka town and country planning act we have suggested be the merger of bd and the bmrd we have also for citizens friendliness we have suggested that building plans up to 2400 square feet may be given online approval on the basis of self declaration payment online applications

and lastly

we have next coordination committees uh has been set up at the state la the city level but we have suggested they should be set up also at the zonal level and in other corporations we suggested metfor metropolitan planning committees to be constituted in a major to retire to cities of karnataka we have suggested certain powers that can be delegated from the chief commissioner ppmp to the zonal commissioners with regards bescom we have suggested that the power to sanction connections for loads less than five kilowatts will be delegated from the right now it is the aid of lease to the we have suggested it can be delegated to the concerned section officers of restaurants eighty percent of applications can be cleared at that level it says return services help desk may be established in all police stations and

we have also suggested increasing the percentage of

reservation for women from present 35 to 33 in recruitment of constables and non-guested police staff so these are this is a short overview of the major some key recommendations next so finally what we would uh request you is we request your you to give your suggestions on different aspects of administrative reform preferably event on our website thank you

thank you so much uh thank you so much i think for running us through uh some extensive amount of work um that has been done in the last you know uh the last more than a year uh on on this on this commission i'm going to ask you um you know to sort of put in context of um may i ask you to can you please

can you just uh can everybody else just mute please thank you so much so if we want to the the basic thing right now is how can we help you and how can you help us as a state we certainly have a concern because our remit right now may not be the entire karnataka because we're not qualified we're probably a little bit more um you know focused on perhaps the what are the changes you want to see in the urban development model or in a regional and urban level from a construct from a structural point of view and that's something that we probably a little bit more qualified a little bit more able to discuss and to request so i believe you know ravi to come in with the first uh the first set of points or suggestions and also his perspective on where this is going but this has been tremendous and i want to congratulate you on you know the the great work that has been done so far because there's a lot of intense work that i can see including reaching out to several expert committees and going into your own departments etc etc but the widening of what the citizen needs perhaps is something we can uh we can certainly jump in on ravi over to you with your please you know you said

thank you thank you ravi for that mr prasanna over to you. thank you madam i once again thank all of you for giving an opportunity for us to speak to you all uh i have two things actually in my mind one there may be participant who is willing to express their ideas in Kannada or if they are willing to send it to a write-up in Kannada it is also welcome to

now we are more interested to listen to the participants actually our suggestions as a chairman has given a very wide presentation about the objectives and the other

will be more useful for the commission to take up forward speakers

now speaking like a true collaborator mr prasanna thank you so much and i know how how how close this is to your heart so i know that you'll be watching this very carefully but i hope that you will come in between and and engage in terms of what what needs to be done and thank you for the for your inputs on that um uh may i then have you know hand this back to ravi ravi if you could sort of come in with your yeah thanks maria thank you

my internet connection was a bit unstable it said uh firstly mr vijay bhaskar and mr prasanna kumar i mean deep compliments on the extent of detailing that exists across the three reports for those on the call who haven't had occasion to see these reports that have been put out as mr vijay bhaskar said please go to the website you can download all the reports it is extremely detailed into micro detail if anything and for that mr vijay bhaskar full complements for the extent of detailing that has gone into it i actually want to deal because we can get lost in the weeds of the various points you mentioned so i thought i'd just step aside and take a larger view of some three or four suggestion of points i'd like to make uh the first thing is when one does a report like this they're broadly two options either we go for a transformational effort at the administrative reforms or we go at what i could loosely call a tinkering effort where you take the existing sections existing departments and tweak it to make it better than it is today so this report i think has done an excellent job of taking the existing provisions the existing law as it stands and intervening on what is possible and doing it and it will definitely improve things compared to what it is without a doubt but it has chosen to take that route as opposed to the transformational kind of route of what needs to be done and to my mind there are few guiding principles if we could go and just look at it from that point of view so i would say this report while very good is inside out you have something inside and you said i'll try to improve this i'm just coming from an outside in perspective and my starting point really is the phrase about it is about the citizen or what in it they call customer centricity or citizen-centric city the yardstick i would like to use on every point in the report is is this step making it more citizen-centric or is it not making it citizen-centric so really the issue really boils down to how much of citizen-centricity is there in every bit of what we are suggesting as a marker for the report and there i feel it could potentially fall short because it takes constraints of the existing 11 departments the way they are structured and the citizen is not in the center of this whole reform is the sense i get and i just give one or two examples of citizen centricity just take the case of the eight zones that exist in bbmp now if zoning is to and that is the requirement for zonal coordination etc if zoning is to be citizen centric then frankly speaking you have to look at geography and build your services and etc around citizens not having to go more than x kilometers for a service but we have a very quirky arrangement in karnataka and bangalore that the mla constituency cannot be cut into two zones and we have banana shaped uh mla constituencies from kanakapura road to yashwantpur and they are forced to be in one zone because the mla constituency is that way so it is mla centric not citizen-centric if you take the yacht-stick it has to be citizen-centric then the yacht-stick is no citizen in a zone needs to travel more than five or seven kilometers to get a particular service then you will arrive at a very different kind of i'm just giving that as one example of customer centricity the second thing really related again to the customer and the citizen is that citizens want outcomes everything about government is about government departments and thousands of crore spending and thereby silos silos of bwssb budget silos of bmrcl budget silos of bbmp our biggest need and the biggest problem in our government today is the integration across agencies i feel that this report needs to address that it has addressed the delegation and the decentralization but it has fallen short because on any issue that you touch there are a minimum of five government agencies involved and unless you deal with how to knock their heads and get an outcome so if you for example you take mobility even in our inherent structure as an example the udd department does not have bmtc because that comes under transport minister and the transport department but the fundamental thing a citizen is concerned with is one uniform mobility solution which cuts across just for argument's sake these two agencies not to talk about rto and other people so unless we address and therefore if you go through the framework of what do i need to do for better citizen service it will suggest itself that you need to think in terms of the integration the third thing related to the integration really is i feel we can use the mpc framework you mentioned the mpc it is there the bbmp act as a cut and paste from the 74th amendment i call it the mpc's mpc plus plus because the mpc has weaknesses also it doesn't have transport it doesn't have the urban commons etc nothing stops us from taking the mpc framework as a given and on that build all the elements that are missing and make that the integral nodal at the apex level for bangalore because every time we go back to code saying mpc did not plan the city bda did it bd has no jurisdiction so we have a chance of what i would loosely call the mpc plus plus but the bigger idea there really is if we don't have a solution to knock heads and get work done it is not going to really result in any great whether it be road cutting or whether it be intermodal mobility or whether the decision on who will run the public transport system and the like so that's the outcome focus and integration just two more points i want to make in terms of suggestion another thing that is lacking inherently we have a trust deficit between government and the citizen we need to address the trust deficit which brings us to two points which i want to last make one is accountability and one is transparency when it comes to accountability nobody seems to be responsible when something goes wrong from a pothole death to a drowning to a flooding to whatever so for accountability i really believe that we need to do activity mapping uh when we did the committee report we activity mapped 600 services and you know uh tr raghunandan used to be in the services early and panchayati raj has a detailed activity mapping set out of how we need to do it essentially we have to be clear who sets the standards who holds the budget who does the asset creation who does the o m who does the monitoring and what is the role of the citizen and the award committee in the whole kind of things for every item if you don't have that clarity we are never going to solve this thing because accountability is at the heart of this thing so we should know that if this incident happens this person is really accountable in that whole activity mapping so the activity mapping framework could help achieve that accountability objective the last point really is the other problem with government is inherently it tends to be opaque and transparency and sunlight being the best disinfectant we need more of that and just one limited example that if you take for example every every department talks of its own gis its own map frankly we need one map and one thing of which everybody works across on that but we are so secretive i mean world over cities are putting out all the detail on the net and telling citizens you come up with the apps to solve citizen problems we in contrast tend to just hold it internally and not share so if we just enable some of the open data sharing protocols etc you could start having magic happening through these entrepreneurial effort so i just want to close here because we need to listen to others and one can come in later but my point really is if we could use a framework of some guiding principles around citizen centricity outcome focus where is the integration layer across agencies accountability activity mapping transparency it would enrich what you have done amazing work if we could bring these filters i think it'll just add a layer of improvement to the whole exercise i'm done priya thank you very much ravi as usual and as always insightful simple and outcome focused um three excellent points and um i'm sure that this is something that which i would also be very interested and focused on because i i believe these are things that can make a difference um i'm going to get this on to naresh naresh you would have um a lot of inputs that will probably uh make a huge amount of difference just like what ravi said what are your thoughts what are your suggestions on this now well thank you again thank you mr vijay bhaskar for agreeing to address the citizens of this important topic three of the points i wanted to make was already made by mr pascal but i just go a little bit into detail of them so that there is a nuance of it is also understood one of the points uh which came up in mr vijay bhaskar's presentation was the idea to merge bda and bmrda which is the regional development authority this suggestion believe it or not is as old as 1998 made by the then uh reform committee consisting of dr ravindra and dr uh three people were on dr govidraj and three people were on that committee i forget the third person and that's been sort of lying in see the what people have to understand is that there cannot be one organization which has the vision for the city is responsible for the planning of the city is responsible by execution of the plan and also in the end also be the real estate provider for the city it's just too many things for one organization to do and it also creates an inherent conflict of interest right the bmrda i don't know other people know was formed in the late 80s to address such an issue as this and also give a focus on regional development see today with the advent of technology and with the advent of planning tools we are still stuck in a fossil fuel era planning mentality where we think fossil fuels like petrol and diesel are going to last forever and we still believe in this downtown we i still cannot understand why people call use western american concepts like downtown and suburbia and all that and the whole idea of cbd all these are gone today it is the integrated city so we have to start imagining the city as a field and not as a place in space it's not a physical thing it's a field to if you take bangalore's preeminent position in the world today you know the old saying intel inside you remember all of you remember the jingle saying today in terms of how we are perceived by the world it is bangalore inside yeah in the whole world if bangalore stops working the planet stops working particularly the id infrastructure which runs everything small some of the most major data centers of the multinational corporations are here the critical mass of thinking we have moved from y2k problem to be being able to solve the world's problems engineering and otherwise problems in all fields and through a critical and that is not recognized in the urban governance the image that when i get when i go abroad now earlier it used to be bangalore outsourcing place but today it's like bangalore is bigger than silicon valley but unfortunately that's not reflected on the ground so with that as a background one of the simplest things to do i feel would be to the suggestion that i really feel the government should take it up people don't realize that the first outline development plan of bangalore was made in the mid 70s with an area of about 1280 square kilometers as what they thought bangalore could become and more than 50 percent of it was envisaged as a green belt right and over the we have had a comprehensive development planning process roughly every 10 years except for the last series which is delayed now by seven years now the last development plan revision was supposed to be in 2015 the area of the media has never changed whereas the city has grown outwards it started towards electronic city in the early 90s and also towards whitefield in the mid 90s and now except for the western half of the city the green belt simply doesn't exist so this whole and the bda plan continues to reinforce that thought process that needs to go the bmrda by comparison was set up in eight in on an area of eight thousand kilometers right part of it extending to other districts other than bangalore including the mallor as well as the mark the western districts it it's got a larger framework and to understand that what we must all realize is bangalore as a city as we know it has probably reached its growth potential we have alarming reports from individual science angle running out of water we are running out of air we are running out of various other environmental concerns it's high time also that the another good piece of news is that the national government the central government rather in its current report in the national highways authority has now sanctioned the bharat mala program a satellite town ring road to connect all the eight towns around bangalore what is missing is of course railings we are still focused on building roads but you really need also a circular railway and a hub and spoke system to come into the city and all the eight towns of bangalore which now have ulbs should be promoted as alternative destinations migration into bangalore people don't come here for the traffic some people may be coming here for the weather but 90 of the people come here for a job and they don't really care whether it's a white field or an electronic city if you develop world-class infrastructure enable you don't have to do it yourself if you enable the development of world class infrastructure across the eight cities of the bangalore region we will create a string of pearls around the city which land can be allotted to the new migrants coming into the city and take the pressure off from the city to do this bda must merge into bmrda as a background and if you do and you do it cleverly and only the planning function must stay with the bmrda we must not make the mistake of allowing them to also to become the implementing agency we have enough and more parasitos and other government agencies to be able to execute and maybe the media could be repurposed as the bangalore infrastructure development agency bida which is responsible for implementing the plans the mpc the point that the metropolitan planning committee which has to be done as for the 74th and 75th amendment to the constitution which is which ravi brought up the bmrda could become the secretariat of the mpc the mbc is a more political formation with both politicians and bureaucracy and some amount of public involvement but the implementing harm has to be a pump a technical agency like the bmrt point number two ravi brought it up already

that interdepartmental coordination accountability is a big big issue i'm dealing with about four or five projects which involve multiple agencies in the government assist a city can be defined as a system of systems right so you have to be able to understand that every time we run into a problem with the existing agency the state government the state literally runs this city the urban local bodies have very little role to play other than to implement state policy and the rise of city politics is a far-fetched dream even in the city of today right even in today's city it's not happening every time we hit a problem with an existing agency the response of government is to create another paris title right we now have care the for instance just take this simple issue of roads in the city bbmp has 13 000 kilometer to 14 000 kilometer under it it does not have an audit of it it does not know how much exactly it is there every time there is a big project in the city a care bcl a road development corporation which is a paris title without a political uh bpmp has a bunch of is a political representation there is no peristatal almost has any political representation he is brought in to do the roads and they start doing their own things without really consulting the rest of the city the most recent example which is around created a lot of citizen hire and frustration is what is called the bangalore smart city limited right again they have gone and done a whole bunch of things without consulting the exist because they see it it is i mean forget what the citizens seeing government departments as a opaque and non-accountable internal government itself this problem is that inside the government so i think the answer to solving problems of the city is not go on creating new parastatals when a new set of issues pops up but to see how we can reset the city as like what ravi pointed out a organization now which is now right for restructuring is the bangalore water supply and sewage board right we've had uh i will i'm sure murli is on this call somewhere so the best com which was the karnataka electricity board earlier was restructured into a corporation not that it has solved all the problems the cost of running best com is about 17 000 crore and the total income is only about 8 000 crore the state government is only still having to step in to rescue best from permits financial issues only about 50 percent of it they receive but prescomb has the advantage of being since it's a company the citizens have at least some transparency these two numbers the 17 000 of revenue

is possible to know because it is a company and it has to file its account to the registrar of companies we have no idea what the same story is in the water supply board the water supply board was a company in 1963 in when it was changed as a board by a dictator of the world bank and the world bank law never came through there is no reason that the water supply board should continue to remain aboard without either political accountability or even corporate accountability it has neither and it's time now to maybe also think of splitting the water supply board into bulk supply and sewage treatment plant operation and move the retail distribution of water and the sewage disposal under the bbmp because there is a direct issue which affects every operator and mla in the city and they are any way involved in every bit of it on a daily basis the next point i would like to make is i won't go into details of all these things i have i will send a i will upload it on the bitly platform as required the second thing is that the other thing that pointed out that each of these parastatals in the city are operating on a separate protocol a separate data platform which interoperability is zero and they don't share any data i cannot understand what is the need for secrecy when i can go into the city of new york's website or the city of san francisco's website and all of the data of the city is available on an open platform to a foreign citizen you don't need any permission every single thing you need to know suppose your neighbor is building a building which is coming one foot away from your compound wall and you want to know what is he really permitted to do it is impossible to find out in bangalore but this is why because of the government cannot regulate everything cannot enforce everything if the people start doing the wrong things the citizens it said i mean it's not that the government is the issue the citizen when there is when he knows there is opacity tends to break the law for personal gain but if you know what is coming like storan you have an access to the sanction plan instantly you can go and stop that thing happening instead of waiting for it to blow up when it cannot then once it's built and people move into such buildings then they appeal on humanitarian grounds first of all that humanitarian ground the argument itself should not be allowed to become an issue next to do this we have proposed a small project to the government that why don't we create something like the bangalore city laboratory which has two functions one is to bring all the data together into one place and also no builders model of the city nobody knows what bangalore really looks like if i ask even an old bangaloring which is the highest point in bangalore and which is the lowest point bangalore nobody knows i mean i can put this out today some people in the audience might know but just for information bangalore's highest point is called that it's called high grounds 928 meter above sea level and that's why the old reservoir built by vishal was built there first to distribute water down from there and there are many and most of the flooding issues in bangalore because of our lake systems being destroyed but we have no idea what it looks like so it's very difficult for a common man to imagine what the city looks like so we have proposed a project i hopefully the government will approve it and hopefully that will also create a digital twin of bangalore and all data can be standardized across all parastatals and like a lot of the rings you have one ring to rule them all there should be one map for every organization dealing with the city right now there are 25 separate maps and even the jurisdiction of each agency is completely different from every other agency resulting in plethora of issues regarding interdepartmental coordination not the least of which is that they are your road to the morning and by tonight the bws becomes and breaks it open this is the reason because the data set is not the same between the two the last point i want to make is all this may not be possible because there is also a freeze on government recruitment in many departments the planning department for instance in the government of karnataka has not recruited anyone for the last 10 years and the people there are not aware are all seniors and they are not aware of new technologies the youngsters are not brought inside there is a lot of employment freeze at the government level but there to fill the gap there is a huge amount of private sector consultancies available in bangalore it may surprise you all to know that six of the world's largest engineering firms like ws adkins companies like architects companies like um what is it called mcdonald or something like that turner construction parsons berkinhoff they have 40 000 plus employees in bangalore planning the rest of the world and none of them we are able to leverage for our own city and all we are planning the rest of the planet sitting in bangalore and none of the more than 40 000 employees arcadis design the netherlands right can you give to give you a scale of a company like that i'm sure they'll be able to handle our sewage and drainage network of bangalore very very easily but we have to find a mechanism to deal with them so we need a clear impairment of if the government is not able to remove the freeze or new employment at least we have to find a way to empanel new private sector you know people like me or ravi chandra we are doing a few projects on a pro bono basis etc that's not going to take the city very far all i can do is a pilot but to deal with i get right now the k-100 pilot that's going on in bangalore is 11 kilometers of primary drain and 26 kilometers of secondary drain bangalore has 842 kilometers of drains somebody's got to do it and it's they're not going to do it for free so a pilot can be used to demonstrate that it can be done but these companies are already sitting in bangalore plus there is a host of indian companies who are equally capable who are able to use drone technologies who are able to use lidar technologies who are able to use advanced gis systems and this if you can send mangalyan to the moon i cannot see understand why you cannot solve bangalores drainage and flooding problem last point there is no dashboard of government performance for universally for the citizens of bangalore to be able to look at and understand what plan versus action whether it's been done not done whether there is progress not no progress what is holding it up there is no dashboard and one of the simplest things to implement is a citizens level the chief minister i believe has a dashboard to know what's going on on key city projects but again it's not accessible to you and me so i really feel that a citizen level dashboard is required to understand the progress of various work i mean for instance all of us keep wondering when the fabled metro of bangalore will ever become operational right after 15 years of waiting we have less than 65 kilometers operational and delhi has something like about 400 kilometers up i'm not sure of the exact statistic but what is it that is stopping it why is it that projects are delayed why is it that they're not able to implement faster there must be a real reason but if the reason is not known to the people then suspicion and the lack of trust like ravi pointed out starts developing there may be real issues they may maybe heritage becca may be stopping tree cutting for a metro line with valid reasons but nobody knows this and we have to find a way in which a high level of information at least is available to the citizens as a dashboard i think i'll stop here there are many more issues but uh i'm sure a lot of the listeners we are also waiting to have their say thank you very much i hope there were some inputs were reasonably useful thank you always well uh always well said as what is expected naresh some very insightful points there and i was wondering whether you bring up the point of who really owns the stormwater drain whether it is bws speed bbm that's a very funny thing the bbmp owns a strong water drain in which sewage owned by the bwssb flows and the lakes are owned by the lake authority and the water coming from the stormwater drain goes to minor irrigation so in sense nobody owns anything you ask any question it's somebody else's problem right now smart city owns a little bit of it so they are also getting a bit of flack from that so anyway so we can see i mean i think what really comes across with with both the conversations from ravi and naresh are uh i mean apart from the reality and some of the deep concern there's also a lot of incisive thinking which i am sure you would agree and mr prasanna you'd agree in terms of thinking it through and you know with their experience and the understanding of the urban construct you know to be able to say these are changes that can actually be made and we're very hopeful that some of this will come in now i'm going to move on from some of the heavyweights on this panel and i'm going to request uh uh the others to um come in i think the first hand that was put up was srikant narasimhan i'm going to just request that the suggestion you can go into the suggestions and uh i will since we have about 15 or 20 minutes left would request very much for uh you to make it as short and as concise as possible apologies for the lack of chat because otherwise you could have put it there my real apologies but i promise we will loop it up on the heritage because site uh srikant over to you hey thanks priya and uh thanks mr bhaskar for this initiative and thanks ravi and naresh for your input but there are some uh key points that i noticed as um you know themes uh

decentralization integration so coordination

machines by any chance that sometimes happens yeah i just needed a bio break so sorry don't worry nothing to do with you uh she can't go for it thanks ash uh nourish come back on the screen

whatever i heard there were three key themes uh that i heard decentralization integration and coordination among agencies and citizen centricity right three important and key uh themes and topics that got covered by uh mr vijay bhaskar as soon as

and the way i look at it is there is one set that you can one set of things that you can do at the city level under the zonal level which i think both naresh and ravi have already covered things like mpc plus plus a merging of bda and bmrda string of course that ravi uh naresh talked about uh delegation of powers to zones pwssb viscom restructuring a citizen level dashboard i think all of these ideas you brought it up i don't have anything more to add there and i would strongly recommend that if mr vijay bhaskar can take that and implement it that'll be great but i wanted to talk about something very different at the what and the local level anything that we want to do interestingly mr vijay bhaskar started off with a bunch of outcomes that we were looking at that included things like solving the khatta issue door delivery or delivery of the government services increasing the tax net and getting more people are increasing the taxes and fines subject to inflation etc now if all of these have to be implemented at the ground level and if we need to see real outcomes we need citizen participation the citizen centricity that was talked about we need citizen participation and more importantly citizen empowerment at the local level and the concept already exists in our rules which is not being implemented which is what committee and areas of us we already uh by the way for those of you just to be transparent either on a political party bangladesh we already started constituting area it's nothing complicated we put out a call to citizens invite them to be formally part of area sabbas imagine if you're implementing a ishram card or any door delivery of benefits if you have a representative from a residential community who is empowered who's authorized to do it and today through bass it's been happening in many many apartment complexes in terms of implementation of initiatives but these this is happening informally without people being empowered formally through areas of us they can be formally empowered not just in apartment complexes even in residential layouts and even in slums where we've been doing some programs you give them the authority they can figure out who among them is actually paying taxes where is the kata issue in that community what kind of government government services need to be delivered at the local level and if you empower them they become the bridge between the government and the citizens to deliver all of this at the local level and for this they they need to have formal authority which the constitution has already mandated the rules prevailing in the uh you know the bbmp act which has been newly formed and of course the earthquake uh kmca which was there as well the question is why are we not instituting the area sabas which are actually mandatory if we do it and people like us organizations like us while another political party we are very happy to extend our arm because they're already constituting shadow areas of us in many places we believe that's not just the best the only way to deliver at the end of this and lastly there were two points that ravi brought about which were very important accountability and transparency pothole deaths absolutely nobody's held accountable once a new council is in place if the government can introduce a rule which says not the ae not any other official to be arrested or far to be filed against the elected representatives and this coming from a person who is running a political party which wants corporates to be elected from our own party make the corporators accountable if there is a pothole death the corporator needs to be arrested immediately and put behind bars or an affair at least to be filed against that person automatically accountability will start coming in and this all of you already mentioned there is no accountability in the system in each word that corporate has to be held accountable for that and that's the best and again the only way to bring in that accountability that we are talking of and transparency this is something that completely beats me audit of at a very basic level right audit of the accounts years and years in which audit does not happen and nobody even questions it we have been of course questioning it but nothing happens at the minimum as a political party we've been able to pull out projects from bbmp's system we in our on our website 63 000 plus projects approved and executed over the last five years worth twenty one thousand plus crores project by project contractor by contractor ward by what zone by zone we have put out details for every single project why can't the government do it and i totally agree with what ravi said transparency it's that sunlight that can just disinfect most of the germs most of the viruses but we probably know what the reason is if we can do it why can't the government do it why can't bbmp do it that's something that we need to fundamentally push for and ask for so these are my suggestions where at the ward and area level i'm not going to talk about the zonal and the city level where great suggestions from ravi and naresh have already been provided i wish they are implemented complicated ivy is running out i am completed at the local level please institute area formally and ensure that they are absolutely done that's all that i had to say thank you for the time thanks priya for the opportunity thank you srikant i want to just go on to thank you so much because uh i think some of the radical suggestions that you made including uh you know making uh cooperators accountable and a very valid suggestion on area servers is something that's good i'd like our uh participants to sort of focus on the suggestions uh so that we can move a little faster can i request uh um you know the uh vikram i think was the person who put up his hand first vikram can i request you uh to come and make your suggestions please come on uh video and if you can make your suggestions my prayer are you able to hear me i'm not able to switch on videos no worries go right ahead okay sorry i'm going to keep it crisp first of all thank you for this opportunity this is a great forum to uh one of course hear from uh mr vijay bhaskar and his team and of course experts like ravi and uh and uh naresh was spoken so eloquently about at the city level i'm just going to make two quick points uh i'm the general secretary of bangalore apartments federation so i'm going to be a little selfish in terms of focusing only on a couple of issues which of course every and a combination of all those saturation interests probably will create a city-wide map so two pieces that i wanted to speak about one of course i had an opportunity to look at the report of year one uh which is largely focused on revenue department food and civil supplies and transport as the most i mean majoritarian services which are being awaited i do hope that from a bangalore point of view and it was discussed in this meeting as well that a lot of focus is given on the paris titles which are which are the ones which are the heavy duty service providers in bangalore which is best com bwssb bbmp so many services that we avail over there it is riddled with challenges problems uh interdepartmental problems etc jurisdictional challenges a lot of times i think the scope of coverage of what a bwssp does is not mapping to what a viscom does what a bbmp does which is which actually makes the citizen friendliness very very poor in some sense i think to bring paris tattles under a more efficient jurisdictional and process consistency would go a far uh distance in ensuring that there can be citizen friendliness uh in delivery of services we ourselves have had the opportunity to participate in some of the forward-looking programs like jana savaka sakala et cetera you piloted now programs those are great programs i think those programs should be it should be given more teeth and strength to make sure that there is extreme amount of last mile efficiency that is brought in for delivery of these services including transparency and process of engineering that's point number one second is i think very specifically with respect to apartments because that's the community that i represent i think we should today accept the fact that bangalore has at least about 25 percent or 30 percent of our population as per our estimates who are living in either vertical or group housing uh complexes i think uh sadly in the in the past two to three decades i think that recognition of this uh residential entity in terms of looking at its uniqueness both in terms of legality as well as as well as its ability has not been recognized even today i think the whole background of revenue records property tax mapping etc for apartment complexes have been very very challenging today there are multiple issues in terms of land records conveyance multiple survey numbers undivided share of line being not being properly conveyed and mapped to individual interests etc so we have a whole degree of analysis which we have done sir on that matter and we will be happy to submit our recommendations on that front but to be able to recognize apartments and apartment uh housing complexes as a unique residential unit of an urban landscape and looking at both the identity and engagement with that form of residential complexes for service delivery and efficiency i would highly recommend and request that be a area of focus as well we will definitely submit more detailed uh representations on that matter thank you thank you for the opportunity thank you so much uh we're very well said vikram and i really appreciate the fact that many people have already written in with their suggestions which we will pass on and become yours too uh you are representing a very uh critical part of the urban construct which is the apartment uh federation and we appreciate very much what you do so thank you so much i'm gonna jump a little bit because i know that uh uh they have been hands put up but i'm a little confused as to who did it first but may i just request perhaps uh if uh uh once again i'm just trying to see uh avid you're there david can you um are you are you able to come online or awesome awesome let me get um on the

yeah go ahead

hi priya and um good evening to everybody thank you mr vijay bhaskar and everybody else who has spoken earlier and i absolutely echo every single person's comments so i will not repeat any of that i just want to add one or two things sometimes we we announce certain uh policies uh and we don't follow through with any particular let me let me take a case an example we announced three years back three to four years back we announced an eevee policy and we said by 2030 we will have x percentage i don't remember exactly maybe 50 we would have gone evie after that announcement there hasn't been a single which i believe is a very good announcement and bangalore was one of the first uh cities in the country to announce an ebay policy however after that nothing happens uh beyond that if the announcement stays as an announcement and there is absolutely no uh no way in which a citizen can track how these announcements are just becoming a reality there is also not a plan as to you know these all become statements of good intention so what i would suggest is when you make these kinds of policies it's very very important that these be broken down into some kind of action plans and the government should be able to put a report card out every year to say this is the progress and there should be some intermediate milestones over five years or eight years whatever whatever the announcements have been made so really we announced we also talked about greening so there are several such examples where we say that we will achieve something by 2030. at the long run we are all dead 2030 most of the people who are around here may not be there they may be retired or they may have been posted on to other other assignments so it's very very important to lay a stake in the ground when we say that we're going to do something and that has been done out of extensive citizen consultation we must ensure that that is followed through every single such progressive policy is followed through with an action plan where clear goals are set out annually and the performance against that is put out transparently so this loops back actually to what we spoke about citizen dashboard what we spoke it's not just about infrastructure projects but there are certain things where which are more directional in nature as to how we want the city to be more sustainable etc so it's important to have those kinds of things put out and so that the citizen can see actually how government is tracking with respect to some of uh some of the commitments it is making at the time of elections at the time of instituting such policies they i may have other points but in the interest of time and many others who want to speak i will let it pass but i just want to let you know that i represent beatback we are an organization that has trained over the last seven years 350 civic leaders who are representing 70 of the wards today in the city and they are actively engaged on the ground they are grassroot leaders who know extensively what what is happening on the ground they are working with citizens they are working they are a bridge between citizens citizens and political leaders but have not had any conversations with any of on any of these aspects so i just want to lay that on the table thank you very thank you very much thank you for that um really appreciate that and i am going to go on and you know be back has a great perspective because not only in terms of the strategy but in terms of the execution the planning the partnering at at ground level has been absolutely amazing so your your inputs are spot on and so much in um in in in sort of in collaboration or in continuity with what uh narration ravi and others have also said but um follow through dashboard very very important points i'm going to go on to the next person i would just uh request uh perhaps uh i can just see um uh uh katyani and murli manasi i can see them all on the line uh who's available immediately can i ask katyani to come in please

yeah good evening everybody thank you so much sir for this introduction and i have interacted with you earlier with very great success and uh i represent civic bangalore as uh you must be aware uh i'm very uh enthused by your point that the post office should be used uh for creating some databases and my worry has been that you know the uh for the electoral role you have some officers going and doing a collection of database food department does database then our education department does a database of children so all the departments are busy creating databases of the same population and now uh actually a very good initiative has been taken by dpar e governance they have created a family id for every family and they have already mapped or they created database of more than five crore of uh population so i am saying can the this database of the family be kept at the post office at the local level and like can they have a database of all the residents of that world a link to the property id also so that theirs is also clear and uh so that there's a single database at the local authority level whether it's dp or whether it's

and all departments can access that single database to get whatever data they want if they want the data of children and actually mr rajiv chawla has initiated this family id and he says there's no need for anybody to apply for anything the computer will generate the list of children they need or the list of bpl families whatever so can we have the single database all citizens and can we make it mandatory for the citizens to enroll themselves there and uh inform the post office if they are shifting out of the world or if they have come into the world so that there is a continuous operation of this database also so that you don't have to keep repeating your surveys every again and again so uh after that sir uh there is a mission until they are which has been prescribed by the central government which says a survey has to be done of all the infrastructure in a world to identify the deficiencies and the gaps so that the marginalized who need those you know infrastructure whether it's health education housing uh skill development center whatever it is the infrastructure is mapped and the deficiency is noted and also the beneficiaries are also identified and but that has been now restricted only to the rural uh department uh rural development department it's not there for the urban area so can this mission until they be extended to the uh urban area also and so that the gaps in the infrastructure are identified and the services are also uh um planned for it is for developing a war plan and the rampant charge plan to be linked to the sustainable development goals so that you identify the gaps and you prepare a plan to meet the sdgs at the localized level and uh i'll just have one or two more points uh we have also given you sir one two more points yeah we had given uh a social accountability bill uh to you when you were in dpar and uh we would like the provision that we had asked for it should be an information and awareness uh center in every word facilitation center which gives the information and also collects grievances and that there should be uh every fortnight at least a public hearing that the grievances are addressed and to support that the e-governance department has also started the mahiti manager and the ipgrs system now which are both single window systems to ensure uh information uh at a single window on all departments mahiti canada is already there uh could your uh uh administrative reform information also look at it to him see how it can be improved and so we have i have prepared a note on how section 4 information can be expanded uh to be put on mahiti ganacha whether flow automation can be done so that automatically whatever needs to be public domain uh gets into the public domain as the official is working on that file or working on that um whatever process document that is preparing so that you don't need to do it as a post-facto thing it's automatically it'll ensure total transparency and uh also multi uh dpi or e-governance has started the integrated public demonstration system which is again a single window for grievances of all departments so uh if you could also look into that and see how it could be improved uh it would be very great because we are also working on those two things the civil society is giving our giving their uh recommendations on that so uh so i will send you those documents which we are talking about and there's a there's an easy uh link that's bitly bit dot ly slash k a rc2 because i think there are a lot of suggestions which have come in and i think these are so valuable and so detailed uh and obviously you know with the relevance to central as well uh please do mark that um i i can see vijay making um very very detailed notes so i will thank you so much for that input and i will go on to i'm so sorry we've just got uh we've stretched beyond that time so we've just got uh uh maybe another one question that we can take um i'm going to just request if i may um perhaps we've got uh we've we've done b pack i've got uh shahrukh from b pack aparna i think the first hand raised was uh only that monitor would you come in please but only five minutes before uh ravi wraps up the session okay thank you can you hear me thank you so much thank you yeah go ahead uh thank you priya can you hear me yeah i'll put on your video please well where is that okay

well can you see me now yes yes we can yeah okay okay uh i had given a long list uh already submitted mr vijay bhaskar i think has already seen it and i think naresh and i have to get on to what is the point that yeah that's right that's right i'll focus i mean now from there from karthiades and srikant stock it it is very clear that there is government has a lot of work to do already okay shouldn't they be concentrating mainly on them and get out get come or come out of areas where they don't have strength i am specifically talking about power supply

at least the high-end bus services and water supply which many cities have done already and benefiting everybody from every every stakeholder from it uh so i have given out all the details that are given in my and naresh was talking about how bangalore is supposed to be you know the nub center for all the activities across the world and it is all happening in commercial complexes where you have gen sets operating okay shouldn't we have 100 percent near 100 reliable supply power supply like in delhi delhi is one receipt which has transformed totally and today the power is available uh or near my and near 100 percent at the lowest tariff possible so that shouldn't be before and it's an excellent ppp structure most equitable and that is an excellent model for all all cities and all countries in fact nigeria i said many cities in nigeria and other countries are following it what are we waiting for sir okay i have listed out all of these things now one particular thing i want to talk about you know this medical education now it is in focus now uh because of the you know the problem with ukraine and things like that now national government of karnataka had instituted national law schools to study the matter and make a recommendation that was in 2017. now i would expect national law school would have done a good job now what has happened to that report sir and if that report is available and the i mean what the situation was prevailing as of 2016 is that i have put it on my blog it was pathetic i mean that boy's father who um the boy who passed away his father made the statement he got 97 and he couldn't get an admission right there and we we can have doctors and nurses for supply for the entire world if we have proper uh medical uh education as well as hospital and and i think uh from uh we had yesterday therefore he is also emphasized on this point i think these are the areas which we and there are so many more and then exactly like i said government has enough work to do what they

that is not with this with this with the state itself okay yeah i think it's time

i'm just going to request this uh uh you know i think great discussions on privatization on focusing on things that we're good at and molly has made a fabulous list of points which i'm sure has already reached which i i will also send whatever he has said with me i think they're very very good um i want to be able to you know uh this has been an amazing session but i want uh i can probably just hijack uh manasi right now to be able to do two things one is to be able to uh if she has a point and then for uh mr ravi and so ravichandra and prasanna to be able to close it uh whichever we have the recording of this and we will send you a list of detailed uh inputs that have come in i think there have been some excellent points very very strongly put but the heart of the city the heart of the state in wanting to make a difference in recognizing your your your reach out to say help us to help you is very clear i'm so impressed so um mama see a quick point because we are really way out of time but i want you to come in as a very critical part of here before uh ravi and prasanna closed ravi has another another meeting i think in a few minutes i have been waiting waiting waiting

sorry my my screen is a little bad i'm really sorry about that it would be mr have been waiting waiting waiting one thing is problem is high caliber people and big wear big shorts and uh the heavy weights they talk so we listen it is very good but we also should get a opportunity to okay please go ahead no you have called me once you know so i will wait for that we will actually be closing in a little bit but so that's why i said if you want to make a point please do yeah yeah okay thank you madam thank you very much so only thing i just want to tell one thing is of the mr raychandra and uh narration they have broken excellently they have spoken my heart in fact most of the things are covered i won't want to repeat that only one point is what i i feel is maybe i am wrong or but still missing but they have mistakes that the corruption attacking the corruption issue is not specifically brought out anywhere so this is the point which mr vijay bhaskar has to take it very seriously and for this i suggest strongly two things one is the extensive i.t enabled systems at all levels not only at the meet chief instructor level it should be at all levels including one level also it should come down that is one thing second thing is whoever is errand he should be given a stringent punishment now that is not happening problem with the karnataka governance i as i understand is my observation of four decades of this governance is enforcement is slow it is lacking like anything yeah so this enforcement has to be improved and you have to bring in in iait enabled systems and also you have to make it more citizen i think that's all i would with that those points i close but i have posted most of their points in the website i think i request mr vijay bhaskar to go through that and use it if it is useful yeah absolutely thank you so much sorry for keeping on hold i'm going to sort of hand this uh back to uh ravi mansi please bear with me um ravi uh are you wrong yeah yeah so just so that because i have another meeting another three four minutes i know there's no nothing because you wanted me to actually close so uh mr vijay bhaskar mr president for the people still listening in i strongly advise you to go to the website and download the three reports yes pick areas that appeal to you so it could be bmtc it could be bda it could be bbmp take any areas that appeal to you please look at the points because mr vijay bhaskar's experience in this space is considerable and it is clearly reflecting there in the details in terms of the act and the provision and the changes it is an excellent report inside out i would still contend and please look at it and it is worthwhile tweaking it in case you feel that some changes are required that would be my appeal to the group per se the second thing really is there have been some excellent suggestions and even the points that mr shinwas brought at the very end in terms of things that need to be looked at and my only thing i want to say in closing is mr pascal if we can bring in and what actually shri khan brought nelson brought at the earlier stage the whole thing really is citizens are ready to do their bit and even the point shin was mentioned the rule of law we also sometimes don't follow the rule of law so citizens can play a rule by for can play a role by following the rule of law and the system can apply the rule of law without fear of favor then we would actually get together so i think it all comes together i think if you trust the citizens to do their bit you will not find citizens wanting to come out because there's an intense desire to work together with the system to make it better so if we could do that collectively and look at each of us as collaborators trying to do a common course as opposed to adversaries or recipients of service providers i think we could potentially make a difference and once again complement sir i mean in terms of the detailing it is amazing in one year what this committee has achieved thank you very much absolutely ravi thank you so much i know you need to hop off and get to your uh so i will let you go i i think we need to wind up too if uh i'd like very much for uh uh mr prasanna uh your thoughts and mr vijay bhaskar your thoughts uh as we close i would like to just share a few things i think there's been an excellent uh flow sorry manasi was repeating yes he was i was just wondering whether we had the time so uh i'm just while you come in i'll just finish my uh yeah i'm just while you come in i'm just gonna uh finish my piece thank you so much so vijay thank you for pointing out what i felt was in this conversations and the number of different recommendations across a number of issues uh across a number of very very strong structural uh concerns that the citizens had they are primarily urban they're primarily around the regional con regional space but it doesn't matter we're starting from somewhere you have a huge remit we're coming in with where you know we are we have some interest or we have some ability to impact uh what has been amazing has been the kind of conversations the kind of ideas and the kind of suggestions it has been quite something because the detailing the ability to to be able to look at things in a different way i'm sure would be uh in some ways good for you but in some ways in some some and also an eye opener so i would like to suggest uh why we did not have the chat open i'm again saying please go to slash karc to put in your suggestions and you can be sure and mr vijay bhaskar has already assured us that we will have a follow-on on this to be able to take these suggestions that have come in bring it and socialize it within a new set of people or a new set of or you know uh inputs so that we can continue this and have a true representation of what the citizens of karnataka and here specifically of of bangalore want so i'll hand this over to uh mansi for your quick point before uh mr prasanna and mr vijaya share their perspectives on closing

can you hear me now okay

empowered citizenry or you know policy changes any of that it's all based on accurate information information dissemination and information collection problem our basic websites of departments are not updated for years if you can actually manage to get them to do that half our problem is solved bbmp ugly something is a very small uh you know department


if you can actually get them to put it on the website the rti ugly it will save a lot of time for both the citizens and the officers who don't really have to go through this whole rti business if it is available then why do i have to file an rti

these are things you know i know it so i can give him that i can give them that information there might be people who do not know this information you lose precious time digitization of data needs to be one of our most important priorities this cannot be impressed upon

any more than i'm already trying to do

the first day of uh when i was diagnosed with kovid when my uh reports came out positive believe it or not between 11 o'clock in the morning till 10 45 in the night i got at least 23 calls asking me for this same information where are you are you isolated who's with you these are the only three questions there is a definite need to understand how to give out info like i said dissemination of information and collection of information these are two things that really need to be focused upon if we are looking at extremely um effective governance with empowered citizenry thank you mansi i was hoping you you'd fly in with one heritage question but what an absolutely superb way to end that as i.t city and as it state of the world that without information being up-to-date uh you know technology being used to make sure that information which on data is available or at this at the touch of a button we are not able to deliver so great idea and thank you so much uh mr prasanna and mr uh vijaya bhaskar over to you to end we are very conscious we're way beyond time but at the end of it a good discussion is a good discussion and my apologies to aparna and janjit and a few others who have not been able to talk my sincere apologies go ahead um mr prasadnan mr vijay

ah you have to mute unmute unmute

yeah um we have uh recorded recommendations in detail my team has also recorded all the conversation that has taken place here and they have three type of main informations that we got maybe something already attended by the commission and may partly have been complied and there's some information which is likely to be uh explored furthermore and there is some more information which is actually new so commission uh will definitely go through all these recommendations

uh we plus team and all the departmental heads and definitely i hope and i will also you know assure that all the recommendations made by them will be examined thoroughly and in detail and we will help the commission to bring out with the final recommendations madam we are very very happy that some of the seniors have given outstanding recommendations you know the way in which they thought think and the way in which uh actually uh they have been projected is very fine and excellent probably i think uh commission got some most important and valuable suggestion out of this discussion definitely will make use of these suggestions and we will discuss with all concerned and we'll explain more details on the subject may be either departmentally or maybe internally or with some other committees or maybe whatever the way it is possible and we will make best use for our recommendations in the forthcoming report i again request uh the suggestions if they are right very clearly and either in any way if they communicate to us it is good enough we have a small box in our website they can communicate it through or even if somebody want to drop a letter in our office or somebody can personally come and contact us or any way of communication is good enough for the commission it is not only one or two we are restricting let them do anything so i hope that madam um i extremely thank you for organizing and mr ravichandran and simon as you know they are very seniors and they are given very wide information and some of the new information like housing and presentations medical education and these are some issues actually and uh actually the subject likely to be covered very shortly in our forthcoming meetings and uh discussions i think we will go through all these things and we'll do that thank you i thank all the participants extremely uh for making uh this platform available to communicate their decisions their suggestions etc thank you very much thank you so much very much appreciate it over to uh uh mr vijay bhaskar for his uh closing comments and uh once again gratitude for all that you have been able to do thank you yeah

and uh


thank you thank you very much and once again uh you know please write in to the committee uh to the commission and all of you have a great evening mr vijay bhaskar and all of you at the commission we hope to do this again in the near future have a concluding comment and we will get back with some great recommendations and some inputs for the city thank you for making us feel empowered as citizens today by allowing us a little bit of um participation in the administrative uh reforms for the state so good night everyone good luck and please be safe mr vijayabhaskar thank you once again for your for your kindness thank you thank you all thank you we hope to make a difference in the state thank you thank you very much hope i hope mr vijay bhaskar and prasanna they will come back on their website as to what happened to these suggestions i would be very anxious to know that please yes i think that's a very fair uh input and i think they've shown by their uh openness and interest that they really are very keen to not only connect but also to be able to loop back and if you a look at some of their uh suggestions they have really been listening and working through a lot so this is going to be the next stage let us hope we can build even more as we move along so without further ado i will say goodnight to everyone and a special thanks to mr vijay bhaskar who has really been um an absolute change maker in wanting to do this to do this the right way and giving us the empowerment that we need thank you and good night everyone thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you very much good night thank you madam for giving a chance for me to speak thank you thank you very much our pleasure and i'm sorry from citizens for bangalore in fact thank you thank you


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