BBMP Heritage Section in the Proposed BBMP Act 2020
The Urban Heritage Guidelines in this part of the New BBMP Act tabled in the Assembly today is of interest- and in fact raised our eyebrows. Further reading in context of the larger provisions of the Act and a bit further fine tuning is required. However, our first-off, rough cut thoughts are as under :
It seems to have paid attention to the detailed #HeritageBeku response to the RMP31 .
some specific deletions need to be highlighted.
the focus on heritage incentives is laudable
the option of the city corporation having first right of refusal to heritage properties is a proactive step showing both interest and interest
How this is dovetailed into the KMC Town & Country Planning Act seems unclear
The setting up of the Heritage Conservation Committee is KEY, a step in the right direction. This is a critical framework for city heritage. However, it’s composition, structure, independence and duties need a more detailed study and further update as required
the focus is understandably skewed more towards built heritage.
How this plan dovetails with the Heritage Precincts outlined in the Revised Master Plan 2031 needs further detailing and understanding.
We would like a clear discussion with BBMP commissioner to understand this better